Friday, 6 January 2017

SB1: sergio pablos

After watching the video that Sergio Pablos did with tips on character design techniques, I decided to look up some of his work. I found that a lot of his work is to do with the basis of the character's design, much like his tips in the video, which focus on not just the outside appearance but also what's underneath.

I really like his use of not just the designing of the character, but showing them in different poses that can help to represent the character more. It's like one of his tips in the video where he touches upon showing the personality not just in their appearance but also in the way that they move or pose. 

He also has a really interesting use of shape within his characters, with each one easily recognisable from the other. I think this is something that I need to try and focus more on as a lot of my characters will end up having the same body shape and proportions.

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