Sunday, 15 May 2016


1.  What learning have you inherited through this module and how has it impacted on your own understanding of professional practice? Consider yourself as a student at University as much as an illustrator

Who I am as an illustrator and person has really changed since coming to university and doing this module. I think before learning about the open world of illustration I had a very clouded view of what I thought illustration was. ‘what makes a good drawing’ has become a question that I ask myself daily and my view of this has changed so much than from the beginning of the year. This prospect is so exciting to me because looking back at my work from the beginning of the year I feel like I have changed so much as a person and an illustrator. Being independent and being around a whole new group of people has given me new found confidence.

2. What approaches/ types of research have you found most valuable over this module?
Why did they have such an impact?

Using Pinterest has been really fun for my throughout this module. As someone who had an account but never used it, it has been fun trying to get back into it again. I have found many things on there that have really inspired me. I also think the Big Head talks have been really useful for me this term because learning and listening to real Illustrators who are out there in the world is really eye-opening and inspiring. It’s nice to learn that they are down to earth and humans just like us, they have bad days and good days too. I think this has been the most valuable to me as I have found looking at other practitioners and listening to them has really helped me to grow my practice and to try out different things.

3. In what way has PPP informed the way your work in other modules and your illustration practice as a whole?

PPP has become the module where I discover myself and who I am as an illustrator. Drawing and being myself and finding artists who inspire me has really informed the way that I work in other modules and in general. Doing this module has given me the grounds to experiment more, and learn new things, for example using clay. Before this was completely alien to me and I hated the word 3D. However, when I actually decided to give it a go and try it after some gentle pushing from Matt I discovered that I actually really enjoyed it. It was so fun watching my illustrations come to life in my hand. I ended up using the clay for a little figure that was for COP and I think it turned out really well and fit the module perfectly.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your PPP submission and how will you address this in the future?

I think that one of the weaknesses I have had throughout PPP is not blogging about every artist that I have come across that inspired me. I have found a lot of artists that I have really enjoyed looking at, on pinterest, Instagram and through presentations and other classmate’s. I have regretted not writing about each one of these as I have forgot some names and forgot inspiration and I think its really good to document things like this. I think in the future I need to be more organised with my blog and make sure that I actually blog everything that is inspiring to me.

5. What communities of practice and professional contexts do you intend to investigate further as you approach level 5? Why do they appeal to you?

I want to investigate more into the idea of selling my work on Etsy and as a brand, as inspiration from Charlotte Mei and Studio Mama Wolf who both utilise this feature. I really want to start getting my work out there and making a name for myself and after being inspired by Charlotte Mei, I really want to do some things out of the ordinary. I want to look into doing possibly clothing items and different things like plates, mugs, stickers etc. But I do also want to make some really lovely prints that I will be really proud of. It’s been a dream of mine for a while to actually get my work out there to be sold so I would really like to make this dream an actual reality at some point.

6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas:
(please indicate using an ‘x’) 

5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor







Quantity of work produced


Quality of work produced


Contribution to the group

­­­The evaluation of your work is an important part of the assessment criteria and represents a percentage of the overall grade. It is essential that you give yourself enough time to complete your written evaluation fully and with appropriate depth and level of self-reflection. If you have any questions relating to the self-evaluation process speak to a member of staff as soon as possible.

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